Cleaning Services Greenwich
About Our Company

Top-rated Cleaning Services in Greenwich

As a leading cleaning company in Greenwich, we want to make our customers happy by delivering exceptional cleaning results. We take time to understand your needs, aswell as your home’s layout and problem areas, to create a customised cleaning plan. And if requested, we’ll dispatch the same cleaner to your home every time, maximising our cleaning efficiency.

In addition to our customised cleaning plans, our local expertise of Greenwich gives us plenty of insights. We know the local area, the specific challenges posed by the Greenwich climate, and the common issues faced by homes in the region. This local knowledge allows us to address problems that might be unique to Greenwich homes, such as specific types of mold, mildew, or other environmental factors.

12Years of Experience

For more than a decade, our Greenwich cleaning team has meticulously maintained a variety of living spaces, from rental units to spacious three-bedroom residences. This means we’ve seen it all: from the cluttered homes of busy professionals, to family households with kids and pets, and everything in between.

Greenwich Cleaning Services

What We Do

Residential Cleaning

Our Residential Cleaning service is perfect for those looking to refresh or maintain a clean home throughout the year. From deep cleaning of living areas…

Emergency Cleaning Services

When unexpected messes or accidents disrupt your home or office, our Emergency Cleaning service in London is here to restore order swiftly and efficiently. Available…

End of tenancy Cleaning Service

Moving out? Our End of Tenancy Cleaning ensures your London flat or house is spotless, helping secure your deposit return. We meticulously clean every room,…

After Builders Cleaning

Transform post-renovation chaos into cleanliness with our after builders cleaning in London, leaving no trace of dust or debris.

Regular Domestic Cleaning

Maintain a consistently clean home with our Regular Domestic Cleaning. Flexible to fit your schedule, we offer weekly, fortnightly, or monthly cleaning routines, focusing on…

Kitchen Cleaning Services

Revel in a hygienic, grease-free London kitchen with our cleaning service, where we ensure a spotless space for your culinary adventures.

Cleaning Services London Greenwich
Service Areas

Areas We Service Near Greenwich

If you’re located in or near Greenwich, our cleaning services are readily available to meet your needs. We proudly serve a range of surrounding areas, including Barking, Lewisham, Woolwich, Stratford, and Shoreditch. Our team is equipped to handle everything from routine domestic cleaning to specialised services like deep cleaning, end of tenancy cleaning, and more.

However, if you live on the other side of the city, don’t worry! Our cleaning services extend across all of London. We cover Central London, North London, South London, and West London. By stationing cleaning teams throughout the city, we can provide efficient and timely service to all corners of London.

Excellence In Every Sweep

Why Greenwich Residents Trust Us

With an abundance of independant cleaners and cleaning companies in the Greenwich area, how do you know who to trust? At London House Cleaners, we know that customers often have reservations when it comes to inviting strangers into their home. That’s why we thoroughly vet all of our cleaners and only hire the most experienced and trustworthy individuals.

Cutting-edge Cleaning Equipment

To ensure impeccable cleaning results, we utilise state-of-the-art equipment, including steam cleaners that effectively combat tough stains, grime, and bacteria. Our high-powered vacuum cleaners are adept at removing dust, allergens, and pet hair from every nook and cranny. Additionally, specialised tools in our arsenal address challenges like mold, mineral deposits, and embedded dirt, ensuring a thorough cleanse that revitalizes and safeguards your living spaces.

Deep Local Roots

Our deep connection to Greenwich means we’re not just another cleaning company; we’re your neighbors. We take pride in serving our community and ensuring that every home we clean reflects the beauty and charm of our beloved town.

Eco-Friendly Focus

Being part of the Greenwich community, we understand the importance of preserving our local environment. We use green cleaning products that are safe for the local flora and fauna, ensuring that our beautiful town remains pristine.

Our Cleaners

Our team

Mike Ellis


Jane Miller


Chuck Miles


Anna Kalenya


House Cleaning Prices

Affordable Cleaning Services in Greenwich

Whether you require a one-off deep cleaning or recurring services, our Greenwich cleaning pricing options are flexible and affordable. We want to make professional cleaning services accessible to all Greenwich residents, regardless of budget.

One-off / Regular Cleans

    Bedrooms cleaning

    Bathroom cleaning

    Kitchen cleaning

    Living Room cleaning


    Microwave & Oven*

    Cabinets, Shelves & Drawers*

    Detail Door Frames & Skirtings*

from £17

End of Tenancy / Move-in Clean

    Bedrooms cleaning

    Bathroom cleaning

    Living Room cleaning

    Kitchen cleaning

    Interior Windows

    Microwave & Oven

    Cabinets, Shelves & Drawers

    Detail Door Frames & Skirtings

from £89
Any Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions


Cleaning Staff


Different Services


Satisfied Clients


Cleaning Excellence Awards

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Our Greenwich Customers Say...

Customer Testimonials

I've tried multiple cleaning services over the years, but none have matched the consistency and attention to detail of this team. My home feels brand new every time they're done.

Chris Evans

Greenwich, East London

I've tried multiple cleaning services over the years, but none have matched the consistency and attention to detail of this team. My home feels brand new every time they're done.

Jennifer Haney

Greenwich, East London

Yo, these folks are legit! Had a party last weekend, and the aftermath was... let's just say, wild. Called them up, and they sorted it out in no time. Lifesavers!

John Davis

Greenwich, East London

The professionalism and efficiency of the cleaning team are commendable. They addressed all my concerns, especially around using eco-friendly products due to my allergies. Highly recommended.

Bledian Villan

Greenwich, East London

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