Cleaning Services Uxbridge
About Our Company

An Uxbridge Cleaning Service that Goes Above and Beyond

Our Cleaning service in Uxbridge is commited to excellence and reliability. We ensure every corner, surface and item is gleaming, removing all stains, marks, and spills. We take our time to achieve a top- notch cleaning result for your home or office.

So how do we ensure remarkable cleaning results everytime?

The answer lies in our cleaners.

Our local cleaning teams understand Uxbridge residentials spaces like the back of their hand, and use cutting-edge equipment to efficiently clean your home. When you combine our expertise with the latest cleaning technology, you get a truly unbeatable service.

12Years of Experience

Spanning over 12 years, our domestic cleaners in Uxbridge have taken on every kind of cleaning challenge imaginable. From one-bedroom flats and student rentals to large family homes, we’ve done it all!

Uxbridge Cleaning Services

What We Do

Residential Cleaning

Our Residential Cleaning service is perfect for those looking to refresh or maintain a clean home throughout the year. From deep cleaning of living areas…

Emergency Cleaning Services

When unexpected messes or accidents disrupt your home or office, our Emergency Cleaning service in London is here to restore order swiftly and efficiently. Available…

End of tenancy Cleaning Service

Moving out? Our End of Tenancy Cleaning ensures your London flat or house is spotless, helping secure your deposit return. We meticulously clean every room,…

After Builders Cleaning

Transform post-renovation chaos into cleanliness with our after builders cleaning in London, leaving no trace of dust or debris.

Regular Domestic Cleaning

Maintain a consistently clean home with our Regular Domestic Cleaning. Flexible to fit your schedule, we offer weekly, fortnightly, or monthly cleaning routines, focusing on…

Kitchen Cleaning Services

Revel in a hygienic, grease-free London kitchen with our cleaning service, where we ensure a spotless space for your culinary adventures.

Cleaning Services London Uxbridge
Service Areas

Areas We Service Near Uxbridge

Our cleaning services traverse beyond Uxbridge, enveloping numerous areas to ensure every home experiences our unwavering dedication to cleanliness. From the historic allure of Greenwich to the contemporary pulse of Acton, and from the diverse vibrancy of Ilford to the bustling streets of Ealing, we ensure that exceptional cleaning services are delivered to every residential space.

From Uxbridge to the far reaches of London, our mission remains unaltered: to provide top-quality, reliable cleaning services. Our extensive service areas, spanning across Central London, North London, South London, and East London, bear testament to our commitment to enhancing the cleanliness of every London neighbourhood.

Excellence In Every Sweep

Why Choose Us

Choosing our Uxbridge cleaning company means opting for attentive and adaptive cleaning services. We listen, understand, and create customised cleaning plans that match your unique cleaning requirements. Just give us the details and we’ll take care of the rest.

They Understand UxBridge

Our cleaners are more than service providers; they’re part of the Uxbridge community. They understand it’s local cleaning needs and preferences, delivering services with genuine care and local expertise.

Premium Customer Guarantee

Your satisfaction is our guarantee at London House Cleaners. If your Uxbridge cleaning is subpar, you’re entitled to a free clean or a refund. Our premium customer guarantee means you have nothing to lose and a clean, fresh home to gain.

Eco-friendly Cleaning Solutions

We care about the planet as much as you do. Upon request, we can use eco-friendly cleaning agents and detergents to clean your Uxbridge living space.

Our Cleaners

Our team

Mark Ellis


Jane Miller


Chuck Miles


Anna Kalenya


House Cleaning Prices

Affordable Pricing for the Best Services in Town

At London House Cleaners, we offer top-tier housekeeping services in Uxbridge at affordable, competitive rates. We believe everyone deserves a clean, healthy environment, and our pricing ensures our exceptional cleaning services are accessible to all Uxbridge residents.

One-off / Regular Cleans

    Bedrooms cleaning

    Bathroom cleaning

    Kitchen cleaning

    Living Room cleaning


    Microwave & Oven*

    Cabinets, Shelves & Drawers*

    Detail Door Frames & Skirtings*

from £17

End of Tenancy / Move-in Clean

    Bedrooms cleaning

    Bathroom cleaning

    Living Room cleaning

    Kitchen cleaning

    Interior Windows

    Microwave & Oven

    Cabinets, Shelves & Drawers

    Detail Door Frames & Skirtings

from £89
Any Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions


Cleaning Staff


Different Services


Satisfied Clients


Cleaning Excellence Awards

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Our Uxbridge Customers Say...

Customer Testimonials

My house cleaner Susan is a dream come true! She always goes above and beyond in every cleaning task she performs. Thank you for providing such a reliable and exceptional service!

Olivia Boyle

Uxbridge, London

Just wanted to leave a positive review for London House Cleaners. These guys really do what they say they're going to do. All in all a 5 out of 5 service.

Tom Dywer

Uxbridge, London

I couldn't be happier with the cleaning services from London House Cleaners. They have transformed my home into a clean and organised space. My life is so much easier thank to them.

John Simmons

Uxbridge, London

I was geniunely impressed by London House Cleaner's high cleaning standards. Their cleaners are polite and extremely dedicated to their craft. Well done!

John Newman

Uxbridge, London

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Cleaning Tips, Company News, And More From The London House Cleaners' Team.

Explore our blog for the latest in the cleaning industry. Discover tips for home maintenance, insights on housekeeping services in London, and standards for cleaning services UK. Whether you’re seeking home cleaning services in London or just curious, our articles are here to guide you.

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