How to clean kitchen appliances: a comprehensive guide image

How to Clean Kitchen Appliances: A Comprehensive Guide

The kitchen is the heart of every home. From the delicious meals prepared to the laughter and stories that echo, it’s a space that truly embodies warmth and love. It’s where families come together after a long day, where friends gather for heart-to-heart conversations over a cup of coffee, and where traditions are passed down from one generation to the next. But, like any heart, it requires a lot of care and hard work to keep it beating strong. 

Hence, to ensure that the kitchen remains a beacon of health and happiness, we must give special attention to the appliances that aid us in our culinary endeavours. This comprehensive guide will delve into the best practices for cleaning kitchen appliances, highlighting the benefits of regular upkeep and revealing some often-overlooked appliances that deserve our attention. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or enjoy occasional cooking, keeping your kitchen appliances pristine is the key to a happy and healthy kitchen experience.

Benefits of Cleaning Kitchen Appliances Regularly

Lady in uniform standing near table in the kitchen and cleaning grill with rag

Before giving you the best kitchen appliance cleaning tips you can find, it is crucial that you first understand why it is important that you regularly clean your kitchen appliances. Here are some of these benefits: 

Health and Hygiene

The kitchen is where we prepare and store our food, making it essential to maintain a hygienic environment. Regularly cleaning your kitchen appliances ensures that harmful bacteria, mould, and other pathogens are kept at bay. These microorganisms can not only cause a range of health issues, from minor stomach upsets to more severe conditions, but they can also produce unpleasant odours that taint the freshness of your kitchen. Keeping your appliances clean ensures the health and well-being of everyone who eats in your kitchen.

Efficiency and Longevity

Every appliance is designed to operate at its best when it’s clean. Over time, grime, food particles, and other residues can accumulate, causing the appliance to work harder than it should. This consumes more energy, increasing electricity bills and putting undue stress on the appliance’s components. Regularly cleaning your appliances ensures they run efficiently, consume less power, and have a longer operational life.

Aesthetic Appeal

A sparkling, clean kitchen is a sight to behold. Appliances, being prominent fixtures in the kitchen, play a significant role in its overall aesthetic. While a gleaming oven or refrigerator can enhance the beauty of your space, a grimy one can detract from it. Regular cleaning ensures your appliances remain spotless, complementing your kitchen’s overall design and decor.

Cost Savings

Investing a little time in cleaning can save you a lot in the long run. Neglected appliances tend to break down more frequently, requiring costly repairs or replacements. Simple maintenance tasks can prevent these issues, like clearing the refrigerator’s vents or descaling the coffee maker. Ensuring your appliances are clean and in good working order avoids unexpected expenses and gets the most out of your investment.

Eliminate Odours

Nothing can be more off-putting than a kitchen that smells stale. Leftover food particles, mould growth, or even burnt residues can produce strong, unpleasant odours that linger in the kitchen. These smells can permeate other foods, affecting their taste and freshness. Regular cleaning removes the source of these odours and ensures that your kitchen retains a fresh and inviting aroma, making cooking and dining a more enjoyable experience.

How to Clean Kitchen Appliances

Below, you will find step-by-step guides on cleaning every major kitchen appliance that can be found in many, if not all households:


woman’s hands in a yellow rubber protective glove and a blue sponge washes, cleans refrigerator shelves. Cleaning service, housewife, routine housework. Spray for windows and glass surfaces cleaner

Step 1: Preparation 

Before you begin, gather all the necessary cleaning supplies. You’ll need a bucket, mild detergent, warm water, a soft cloth or sponge, a clean towel, and possibly some baking soda or white vinegar for stubborn stains.

Step 2: Empty the Refrigerator

Start by turning off the refrigerator or setting it to the warmest setting. Remove all the contents, including perishables, condiments, and items stored in the door compartments. This is also a good time to check expiration dates and discard old or spoiled items.

Step 3: Remove Shelves and Drawers

Carefully take out any removable shelves, drawers, and compartments. This will allow you to clean every nook and cranny of the refrigerator’s interior.

Step 4: Prepare the Cleaning Solution

Mix a solution of warm water and a few drops of mild detergent in a bucket. If you encounter stubborn stains or odours, a mixture of equal parts water, white vinegar, or baking soda can be effective.

Step 5: Wipe Down the Interior

Dip the cloth or sponge into the cleaning solution and wring out excess water. Gently wipe down the entire refrigerator interior, paying particular attention to corners, crevices, and any sticky or stained areas.

Step 6: Clean Shelves and Drawers

Scrub each shelf, drawer, and compartment using the same cleaning solution. Let the cleaning solution sit for stubborn stains for a few minutes before scrubbing. Once cleaned, rinse them with clean water and set them aside to dry.

Step 7: Clean the Exterior

For the refrigerator’s exterior, dampen a cloth with the cleaning solution and wipe down all surfaces, including the top, sides, and door handles. If your refrigerator has a stainless steel finish, using a specific cleaner is best to avoid streaks and maintain its shine.

Step 8: Dry and Replace

Once you’ve cleaned every part, use a clean towel to dry the interior thoroughly. This will prevent mould and mildew growth. Once everything is dry, replace the shelves, drawers, and all the contents.

Step 9: Turn the Refrigerator Back On

If you turn off the refrigerator or adjust the temperature, remember to turn it back on or reset it to the desired setting.

Oven and Stovetop

Step 1: Identify Oven Type

Determine whether your oven is self-cleaning, continuous, or regular/manual.

Step 2: Preparation

Remove all items from the oven and stovetop, including oven racks, thermometers, and foil or oven liners. Ensure the oven and stovetop are cool before starting the cleaning process.

Step 3: Self-Cleaning Ovens

If you have a self-cleaning oven, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to initiate the self-cleaning cycle. Once the cycle is complete and the oven has cooled down, wipe away any ash residues with a damp cloth.

Step 4: Regular/Manual Cleaning Ovens

Create a cleaning paste using a mixture of baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the oven’s interior, avoiding heating elements or gas vents. Let the paste sit for a few hours or overnight for stubborn stains.  Use a damp cloth or sponge to remove the paste and any grime it has lifted.

Step 5: Cleaning the Stovetop

Remove grates and burners if detachable. Soak grates and burners in warm, soapy water for at least 30 minutes. Use a mild detergent and a soft sponge to scrub the stovetop surface, focusing on any stains or spills. Rinse and dry the grates and burners before replacing them on the stovetop.

Step 6: Final Touches

Ensure all components are dry before reassembling. Replace oven racks and any other items you removed during the preparation.

Step 7: Regular Maintenance

To keep your oven and stovetop in top condition, repeat this cleaning process every few months or as needed based on usage.


Step 1: Preparation

Ensure the microwave is unplugged or turned off at the power source for safety. Remove the turntable plate and any other removable parts from the microwave.

Step 2: Steam Cleaning the Interior

Fill a microwave-safe bowl with water, adding a few slices of lemon or a tablespoon of white vinegar for added cleaning power and a fresh scent. Place the bowl inside the microwave and heat it on high for 3-5 minutes. Allow the microwave to sit and steam for 5 minutes without opening the door. The steam will help loosen any dried-on food particles and grease.

Step 3: Wiping Down the Interior

Carefully open the microwave door (it will be steamy) and remove the water bowl. Wipe down the interior walls, ceiling, and microwave floor using a damp cloth or sponge. The dirt and grease should come off easily thanks to the steam.

Step 4: Cleaning the Turntable Plate

Wash the turntable plate with warm, soapy water, scrubbing any stubborn spots. Rinse and dry the plate thoroughly before placing it back in the microwave.

Step 5: Cleaning the Exterior

Mix a few drops of mild detergent with water to create a cleaning solution. Dip a soft sponge into the solution and wring out excess water. Gently scrub the exterior of the microwave, paying attention to any buttons, handles, and vents. Wipe the exterior with a clean, damp cloth to remove any soap residue.

Step 6: Reassembly and Final Touches

Once everything is clean and dry, place the turntable plate back inside the microwave. Plug in or turn on the power source for the microwave.

Step 7: Regular Maintenance

To maintain a clean microwave, aim to wipe down the interior after any spills or splatters. Regular cleaning will prevent odours and ensure your microwave operates efficiently.


Step 1: Preparation

Before starting, ensure the dishwasher is empty and turned off or unplugged for safety.

Step 2: Cleaning the Filters

Open the dishwasher and locate the filters, usually found at the bottom. Carefully remove them and rinse under warm water to dislodge any food particles or debris. Use a soft brush if necessary to scrub away stubborn grime. Once cleaned, place the filters back in their designated spots.

Step 3: Deodorizing and Removing Grime

Fill a dishwasher-safe bowl or cup with white vinegar and place it on its bottom rack. Sprinkle baking soda liberally across the bottom of the dishwasher. Close the door and run a hot water cycle. The combination of vinegar and baking soda will break down any built-up grime mineral deposits and neutralise odours.

Step 4: Cleaning the Exterior

Dampen a soft cloth or sponge using a mild detergent and water. Gently wipe down the dishwasher’s exterior, paying particular attention to the door handle and buttons. This will remove any fingerprints, smudges, or spills.

Step 5: Drying and Final Touches

After wiping down the exterior, use a clean towel to buff and dry the surface, ensuring a streak-free finish.

Step 6: Regular Maintenance

To keep your dishwasher running efficiently and smelling fresh, cleaning it once a month or as needed based on usage is recommended. Regular maintenance will also prolong the appliance’s life and ensure consistently clean dishes.

Toaster and Toaster Ovens

Certainly! Here’s the expanded step-by-step guide for cleaning the toaster or toaster oven:

Step 1: Safety First

Always ensure the toaster or toaster oven is unplugged before starting the cleaning process. This is crucial for safety and to prevent any electrical mishaps.

Step 2: Remove the Crumb Tray

Pull the crumb tray from the bottom of the toaster or toaster oven. This tray collects bread crumbs and other small food particles that fall during the toasting process.

Step 3: Clean the Crumb Tray

Take the crumb tray to the sink and wash it with warm, soapy water. Use a soft brush or sponge to scrub away any stubborn residue. Once cleaned, rinse the tray thoroughly and set it aside to dry.

Step 4: Wipe Down the Exterior

Dampen a soft cloth with a mixture of mild detergent and water. Gently wipe down the exterior of the toaster or toaster oven, focusing on areas with grease or fingerprints. You can use a specific cleaner to maintain its shine for stainless steel exteriors.

Step 5: Cleaning the Interior

Use a dry cloth or soft brush to gently remove crumbs or debris from the interior walls and racks for toaster ovens. Remember, never use water or any liquid to clean the interior of a toaster or oven, as this can be hazardous

Step 6: Reassemble and Store

Once the crumb tray is completely dry, slide it back into its designated toaster or oven slot. Ensure all components are in place before plugging the appliance back in.

Step 7: Regular Maintenance

To maintain the cleanliness and efficiency of your toaster or toaster oven, cleaning the crumb tray regularly is recommended, especially if the appliance is used frequently. This will prevent any build-up of food particles and ensure even toasting.

How Often Should You Clean Your Kitchen Appliances?

  • Daily Cleaning: Wipe down your countertops, sink, and stove after each use. Clean and sanitise any cutting boards, utensils, and dishes.
  • Weekly Cleaning: Clean the refrigerator, oven, and stovetop. Wipe down the exterior of the dishwasher, microwave, and other appliances.
  • Monthly Cleaning: Deep clean the refrigerator, including the coils and gaskets. Clean the vent hood and garbage disposal.
  • Yearly Cleaning: Give your oven and dishwasher a deep clean, including the interior and exterior.

Kitchen Appliances You Never Think to Clean But Should

While the usual suspects like ovens and refrigerators get their fair share of attention, unsung heroes who deserve some TLC are working behind the scenes. Here are some kitchen appliances that you really should look into. 

Coffee Grinder

The aroma and flavour of freshly ground coffee can be compromised by the remnants of stale coffee oils left behind. To maintain the quality of your brew:

  • After Each Use: Empty any leftover grounds. Use a small brush, preferably for coffee grinders, to remove residual grounds from the blades or burrs.
  • Weekly: Wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth to remove spills or fingerprints. For a deeper clean, consult the manufacturer’s instructions, as some grinders have removable components that can be washed.

Can Opener

A neglected can opener can become a health concern due to rust and bacteria.

  • After Each Use: Rinse the blade under warm water, ensuring any food residue is removed.
  • Weekly: Detach the blade, if possible, and soak it in warm, soapy water. Use a soft-bristled brush to scrub away any stubborn residues. Dry thoroughly to prevent rusting.

Vent Hood

A clean vent hood is essential not just for aesthetics but also for safety.

  • Monthly: Detach the filters and immerse them in warm, soapy water. Let them soak for a while before scrubbing gently with a brush. This will help in removing the accumulated grease and grime.
  • As Needed: Wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth. A mixture of equal parts water and vinegar can be effective for stubborn grease spots.

Garbage Disposal

A well-maintained garbage disposal is key to a fresh-smelling kitchen.

  • Weekly: Run the disposal with cold water and a handful of ice cubes to prevent unpleasant odours and ensure smooth operation. This helps sharpen the blades and dislodge any stuck particles.
  • Monthly: For a deeper clean and to freshen the disposal, pour in a mixture of half a cup of baking soda followed by one cup of vinegar or lemon juice. Let it fizz for a few minutes, then rinse with hot water while running the disposal.

Hiring Professional Cleaners for Kitchen Appliances

Why Trust London House Cleaners with Your Kitchen Appliances?

  • Expertise and Experience: With over a decade of experience, we’ve been at the forefront of providing exceptional cleaning services across all boroughs of London. Our expert cleaners, equipped with top-tier tools, are trusted by numerous London residents for outstanding house cleaning, including specialised tasks like oven cleaning.
  • Personalised Service: We believe in a tailored approach. Before starting, we often conduct an initial visit to understand your specific cleaning needs, ensuring every corner of your kitchen shines. Discover more about our services.
  • Eco-friendly Cleaning: We’re not just about making spaces look good; we care about the environment too. Our commitment to using eco-friendly cleaning products ensures that your kitchen is clean and free from harmful chemicals.
  • Comprehensive Cleaning Services: From kitchen cleaning to deep cleaning services that tackle overlooked areas to specialised oven cleaning services, we cater to all your kitchen cleaning needs.
  • Affordable Pricing: Quality doesn’t always have to come at a high price. Our pricing structure ensures you get the best value, making us a preferred cleaning agency in London.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Your satisfaction is our top priority. Don’t just take our word for it; read our reviews to see what our clients say.
  • Local Expertise: Being a London-based cleaning company, we understand the unique needs of London homes. Check out the areas we serve to see if we’re in your neighbourhood.


Regular cleaning of your kitchen appliances is crucial for maintaining a healthy, hygienic, and aesthetically pleasing environment. Establishing a cleaning routine for all your appliances, including the often-neglected ones, can save you money and extend the lifespan of your appliances. Follow the step-by-step cleaning instructions in this guide and encourage your family members to do the same.