Ultimate stain removal guide: 37 proven tips to remove any stain image

Everything Against Stains!

Oops! Spilled wine on your favourite shirt? Don’t panic! We’ve got you covered with our ultimate stain removal guide. Whether it’s coffee, grass, or that mysterious mark you can’t quite identify, we’ll show you how to banish it for good.

Why This Stain Removal Guide Matters

Removing stains effectively is not only gentler on your clothes but also better for the environment. By targeting specific stains instead of washing entire garments, you can keep your textiles in great shape and reduce water usage. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to handle a wide variety of stains, saving you time, money, and frustration.

Quick Tip for Stain Removal Success: Always treat stains as soon as they appear. Fresh stains are much easier to remove than dried ones. However, with patience and the right methods, even stubborn, set-in stains can be effectively treated.

Essential Stain Removal Products

Before we dive into specific stain removal techniques, let’s explore the tools you’ll need in your stain-fighting arsenal:

  1. Regular Dish Soap: Versatile for various stains, including grass
  2. Gall Soap: An eco-friendly option available in well-stocked stores
  3. Specialized Products: Glycerol/glycerin, ammonia, rubbing alcohol, ethanol, or chemically pure gasoline for tough stains
  4. Pantry Items: Salt, lemon, citric acid, tartaric acid, baking soda, vinegar, peanut butter, milk, sour milk, and yogurt
  5. White Cloths: Always use white cloths to avoid transferring dye during the stain removal process

Eco-Friendly Alternatives for Stain Removal

For those looking to remove stains using more natural methods, consider these eco-friendly options:

  • Baking Soda: Natural cleaner and deodorizer
  • White Vinegar: Breaks down many stains and acts as a fabric softener
  • Lemon Juice: Natural bleaching agent, especially effective on whites
  • Hydrogen Peroxide: Natural alternative to bleach (use cautiously on colored fabrics)

Specialised Stain Removal Tools

  • Stain Remover Pens: Convenient for on-the-go stain treatment
  • Soft-Bristle Brushes: Gently work solutions into fabrics without damage
  • Absorbent Pads: Soak up excess liquid before applying stain removers

How to Remove Stains Effectively: General Tips

Before we get into specific stain types, here are some general tips for successful stain removal:

  1. Act Quickly: The sooner you treat a stain, the easier it will be to remove
  2. Blot, Don’t Rub: Rubbing can spread the stain and push it deeper into the fabric
  3. Cold Water First: Start with cold water, especially for protein-based stains like blood
  4. Avoid Heat: Don’t use hot water or a dryer until the stain is completely gone
Ketchup stains can be frustrating, but with the right techniques, they can be effectively removed. Learn how to tackle stubborn ketchup stains with our easy-to-follow tips.

Detailed Stain Removal Tips: How to Remove 37 Common Stains

1. How to Remove Grease Stains

  • Absorb excess grease with a paper towel
  • Sprinkle potato starch or cornstarch over the stain and let sit overnight
  • Vacuum excess powder, treat with dish soap, then wash as usual

2. Removing Coffee Stains

  • For black coffee: Soak in hot water
  • For coffee with milk/cream: Soak in cold water first, then hot water
  • For delicate fabrics: Dab with a mixture of whipped egg yolk and lukewarm water

3. How to Remove Blood Stains

  • Rinse with cold water first (warm water can set the stain)
  • For dried blood: Soak in cold water with salt
  • For stubborn stains: Apply a baking soda paste, let sit, then scrape off

4. Wine Stain Removal

  • Dab with water, then sprinkle salt to draw out liquid
  • Rinse with hot water and wash
  • For old stains: Treat with diluted vinegar or soak in hot full-fat milk
Red wine spills can be daunting, but with the right steps, you can effectively remove them from your carpet or fabric. Follow our tips to tackle stubborn wine stains quickly and efficiently.

5. Removing Orange Stains

  • Mix ammonia in lukewarm water, dab the stain, then press with dry paper

6. How to Remove Asphalt Stains

  • For new stains: Dab with chemically pure gasoline
  • For older stains: Rub with peanut butter before washing

7. Banana Stain Removal

  • For fresh stains: Use saliva (enzymes help break down the stain)
  • For light fabrics: Cautiously use a mixture of lemon juice and water
  • For dark stains: Apply glycerin before washing

8. Removing Blueberry Stains

  • Dab with dish soap in lukewarm water
  • For stubborn stains: Try lemon juice or glycerin

9. How to Remove Berry Stains

  • Dab with apple cider vinegar or lemon (test first to avoid bleaching)
  • For dried stains: Soak in sour milk or yogurt overnight

10. Chocolate Stain Removal

  • Rinse from the back with cold water
  • Pre-treat with dish soap or liquid detergent
  • Soak overnight at the highest safe temperature before washing

11. Removing Deodorant Stains

  • Mix dish soap with citric acid, apply, wait 30 minutes, then rinse
  • Alternatively, soak in a vinegar and water solution

12. How to Remove Fruit and Vegetable Stains

  • Use a citric acid solution
  • For delicate garments: Dip in hot water with a splash of vinegar

13. Ice Cream Stain Removal

  • Soak in cold water with dish soap, stir, let sit, then wash as usual

14. Removing Grass Stains

  • Pre-treat with dish soap or soap, let sit, then wash
  • For white garments: Use pure alcohol or ethanol
  • For colored garments: Pre-treat with dish soap and vinegar

15. How to Remove Dirt Stains

  • Let fabric dry, then brush or vacuum off excess dirt
  • Soak in hot water with dish soap, rinse, then wash

16. Ketchup Stain Removal

  • Use dish soap and water
  • For stubborn stains: Try rubbing alcohol

17. Removing Glue Stains

  • Dab with chemically pure gasoline
  • Wash with gall soap, let sit, then wash the entire garment

18. How to Remove Ballpoint Pen Stains

  • Use gall soap or ethanol (be cautious with colored fabrics)

19. Resin Stain Removal

  • Remove with pure alcohol, then wash as usual

20. Removing Lipstick Stains

  • Rub with dry white bread before washing

21. How to Remove Mayonnaise Stains

  • Scrape off excess, pre-treat with dish soap, then wash

22. Milk Stain Removal

  • Remove with hand soap and water
  • For old stains: Use vinegar or rubbing alcohol, rinse, then wash

23. Removing Nail Polish Stains

  • Use acetone (avoid on synthetic fabrics)
  • For synthetics: Try chemically pure gasoline
Removing nail polish stains from carpets can be tricky, but with the right method and materials, you can restore your carpet to its original condition. Follow our detailed guide to effectively remove nail polish stains.

24. How to Remove Oil Stains

  • Absorb excess with paper towel
  • Apply potato starch or cornstarch overnight
  • Treat with dish soap, let soak, then wash

25. Peach and Nectarine Stain Removal

  • Rinse immediately in hot water
  • Try a citric acid solution or vinegar and water

26. Removing Rust Stains

  • Use lemon juice, citric acid solution, or concentrated tartaric acid
  • Test first, treat for 15 minutes, then wash

27. How to Remove Shoe Polish Stains

  • For white fabrics: Try pure alcohol
  • For colored fabrics: Dilute alcohol with water and test first

28. Makeup Stain Removal

  • Pre-treat with liquid dish soap, detergent, or soap before washing

29. Removing Sunscreen Stains

  • Pre-treat with liquid dish soap or detergent, then wash

30. How to Remove Spinach Stains

  • Rinse fresh stains with cold water
  • Pre-treat with liquid detergent or dish soap
  • Try rubbing with a potato

31. Permanent Marker Stain Removal

  • Use rubbing alcohol (test first to avoid bleaching)

32. Removing Wax Stains

  • Scrape off excess wax
  • Use iron and paper towels to absorb melted wax
  • Treat remaining stain with dish soap and wash

33. How to Remove Sweat Stains

  • Treat with soap or liquid detergent before washing
  • For discoloration: Use vinegar and warm water solution
  • For workout clothes: Spray with vinegar and water mixture before washing
Sweat stains can be tough to remove, but with our effective tips, you can keep your clothes looking fresh and clean. Learn how to tackle sweat stains with ease.

34. Tea Stain Removal

  • Rinse plain tea stains in hot water immediately
  • For milk tea: Soak in cold water first, then hot water
  • For stubborn stains: Dab with alcohol and vinegar mixture

35. Removing Tomato Sauce Stains

  • Rinse or soak in cold water
  • Treat with glycerin, let sit, then wash

36. How to Remove Printer Ink Stains

  • Pre-treat by rubbing in soap, then wash as usual

37. Beer Stain Removal

  • Dampen stains with white vinegar to remove

Stain Prevention Tips

  • Apply protective coatings on furniture and carpets
  • Keep a small emergency stain removal kit handy, especially when traveling

When to Seek Professional Stain Removal Services

Consider professional cleaning services if:

  • The stain is extensive
  • The fabric is delicate or very valuable
  • You’ve tried multiple methods without success

Conclusion: Your Ultimate Stain Removal Resource

With this comprehensive stain removal guide, you’re now equipped to tackle almost any stain that comes your way. Remember, quick action and the right techniques are key to successful stain removal. Keep this guide handy, and you’ll be ready to rescue your favorite items from even the most stubborn stains.

For those times when a stain proves too challenging or you’re dealing with valuable items, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. At London House Cleaners, we’re always here to assist with our expert stain removal services.

Professional Help

When to Seek Professional Cleaning services: If the stain is extensive, or the fabric is delicate or very valuable, professional cleaning services might be the best option.